NUOVOIMAIE negotiates and collects equitable remunerations from users in support of Performing Artists, distributing the sum due for the exploitation of the works in which they took part. In fact, music, films and seriality accrue the right to a remuneration for artists every time they are transmitted via radio, TV, web, public places.

NUOVOIMAIE also collects and distributes to artists four times a year – two for audiovisual and two for music – remunerations related video and music private copying rights.

NUOVOIMAIE legally protects thousands of foreign artists whose audiovisual and musical repertoire is used in Italy.

NUOVOIMAIE, at last, with article 7 law 93/92 funds, helps performerming artists in their professional and human journey: study, research, training, promotion and support.

Sign up to NUOVOIMAIE is free.