About Us
NUOVOIMAIE, Nuovo Istituto Mutualistico Artisti Interpreti Esecutori, is a collecting society born in 2010. Founded and managed by artists, it deals with neighbouring rights legal protection due to audiovisual and musical works exploitation that are transmitted via radio, TV, web, public businesses. It collects performing artists’s rights, such as actors, dubbers, singers, musicians, orchestra and choir directors.
NUOVOIMAIE also protects italian members and mandators abroad – thanks to international agreements signed with related collecting societies- as well as hundreds of thousands of foreign Performing Artists whose audiovisual and musical repertoire is used in Italy.
NUOVOIMAIE is an AGCOM Technical Committee member against piracy and promotion of digital content legal offer.
NUOVOIMAIE is founder of EMCA Italy– European Multimedia Copyright Alliance together with AFI, FAPAV, MPA, SIAE and UNIVIDEO – for legal protection and promotion of creativity through educational projects in high schools.
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